Welcome to Safal Seeds & Biotech Ltd. – Delivering Quality Seeds for Sustainable Agriculture Since 2002

F1 - Sharad

F1 - Sharad Overview

F1 - Sharad

F1 - Sharad hybrid seeds are renowned for their excellent adaptability and high yield potential, making them a preferred choice for farmers who seek premium-quality produce with robust growth.


FruitFirst Picking 40-45 Days After Sowing
ShapeThick Cylindrical
Colour Green
Average Weight500- 700 gm.
Length20-25 cm 
RemarksEarly VigorousHybrid, Prolific Bearing,Uniform Thick, TenderFruits.

Best Practices for Cultivation:

  • Seed Preparation: Treat seeds with bio-stimulants or fungicides for improved germination.
  • Fertilization: Apply well-balanced fertilizers with a focus on nitrogen and potassium.
  • Weed Management: Regular weeding ensures optimal nutrient absorption.
  • Pest Control: Use eco-friendly pest management techniques to maintain crop health.

Ideal For:

  • Farmers focusing on high-quality, export-friendly produce.
  • Cultivators in regions with moderate to high rainfall.
  • Growers looking for disease-resistant, high-yield crops.

Key Features:

  • High Yield Potential: Delivers consistent yields even under challenging conditions.
  • Market Appeal: Produces high-quality fruits/pods suitable for local and export markets.
  • Disease Resistance: Built-in resistance ensures reduced losses due to diseases.
  • Climate Adaptability: Performs exceptionally well in varied climatic zones.

Cultivation Details:

  • Soil Requirements: Grows best in well-drained loamy soils with a pH of 6.0-7.0.
  • Planting Season: Ideal for kharif, rabi, and summer seasons.
  • Spacing: Maintain 45 cm x 45 cm spacing for better air circulation and growth.
  • Irrigation: Ensure consistent watering, especially during flowering and fruit development stages.


  1. Early Harvest: Short growing period allows quicker turnover.
  2. Superior Quality: Attractive produce with excellent size and shape.
  3. Resilience: Stands strong against adverse weather and pests.
  4. Low Maintenance: Minimal inputs required due to natural disease resistance.

Order Information:

For premium F1 - Sharad hybrid seeds. Follow recommended agronomic practices to achieve the best yields.

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