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F1 - Chintu

F1 - Chintu Overview

F1 - Chintu

F1 - Chintu is a compact, high-yielding hybrid variety known for its early maturity and adaptability to various climatic conditions. It is an excellent choice for farmers looking for a reliable and consistent performer in their fields.


FruitFirst Picking 55-60 Days After Sowing
ShapeShort Spines
Colour Shiny Dark Green
Length6-8 cm
Average Weight30-40 gm
RemarksProlific Bearing, Short Thick Attractive Fruits, Local FruitsType Hybrid


  1. Fast Growing: Short growth cycle for quicker returns
  2. High Productivity: Ensures better profitability
  3. Pest Resistance: Low maintenance due to disease tolerance
  4. Attractive Appearance: High consumer demand
  5. Good Shelf Life: Retains freshness longer

Key Features

  • Early Maturity: Ensures quick harvest and market availability
  • Compact Growth: Suitable for small farms and high-density planting
  • Superior Quality: Uniform shape, size, and appealing color
  • Market Preference: Attractive produce for consumers and retailers
  • Adaptability: Performs well under different soil and climate conditions

Ideal For

  • Farmers looking for early-harvesting, compact plants
  • Small-scale and commercial farming operations
  • Retail and wholesale market supply


Order Information

For purchasing F1 - Chintu Hybrid Seeds.

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